Once you enroll at Routt, you become part of a community that has supported one another in intellectual and spiritual growth since 1902. We want you to feel welcome at Routt, and to help you get to know your way around, we’ve provided some helpful information.
Helpful Links

Routt Catholic High School is a member of the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) and abides by its rules governing athletic and Scholastic Bowl participation.
A recent clarification of an IHSA rule found that freshmen who have attended four years at a parochial grade school and live farther than 30 miles from the school can attend Routt and be eligible for sport participation. Any freshman within 30 miles can participate in sports at Routt. To learn more about IHSA regulations, go to http://www.ihsa.org or call the school at 217-243-8563
More than 80 percent of the Routt student body is active in athletics and many students play more than one sport in a season.
Click here to view team schedules.
Click here to view the Student/Athletic Handbook
The calendar for the following school year is published in July. To view the calendar, click here.
Religious experiences beyond the classroom are integral to a Routt education with the goal of preparing students to assume roles of service and leadership within the Catholic church. Experiences are open to all students, as approximately 40 percent of Routt students are not Catholic. Experiences include school masses, prayer services, para-liturgical services, opportunities for reconciliation, speakers, religious counseling, vocation days, and service projects. Students also may have opportunity to visit Washington D.C. to support March for Life.
FCA is the largest interdenominational, school-based, Christian sports organization in America. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference in Christ’s name.
Catholic Athletes For Christ (CAC) is another program for high school student athletes to share their Catholic faith.
Class retreats are offered to provide religious experiences beyond the formal classroom study of theology. A retreat allows the student to focus upon his/her faith life removed from the scheduled responsibilities of school/work. Retreats for juniors and seniors are usually held during Lent. Faculty, parent chaperones and priests (according to availability) accompany students. Theology staff and lay leaders plan a day-long experience.
TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) is offered monthly through Springfield and Quincy TEC.
TEC is an experience in Christian living and begins on Saturday morning and continues through Monday evening.
Students must do at least 15 hours of volunteer service each year as part of their graduation requirements. Ten hours must be applied to community service, and five hours may be applied to school- or church-related activities. Students have assisted the Salvation Army, New Directions Warming and Cooling Center, Habitat for Humanity, and Big Brother-Big Sister, served in soup kitchens, and collected needed items for homeless families in our area.
All teachers have email. In an emergency, contact the main office 217-243-8563.
Every effort is made not to interrupt the educational process. Messages and deliveries, except in emergency, are held for the students until the end of the day. Parents, please do not contact your child electronically during the school day.
Faculty contacts can be found here.
If you would like to receive communications from Routt, please fill out the inquiry form.
To maintain an atmosphere that promotes spiritual and academic development, all students are expected to be in dress code as they enter their first class and at all times during the school day. Their appearance should be neat and clean, and clothing properly fitted. Shirts are to be tucked in at the waist, so the belt can be seen. Shirts are to be buttoned (collar button only allowed unbuttoned).
Jackets, coats, hats or other such items are not to be taken or worn to class or in the lunchroom. The dress code will be checked throughout the school day including lunch and exchange of classes.
During school hours students are not allowed to have communications equipment (e.g., cell phones, pagers, etc.), personal audio equipment (e.g., radios, CD players, MP3 players, iPods, headphones, etc.), video games (e.g., Game Boys), handheld electronics (e.g., PDAs, voice recorders, etc.), photographic and video equipment (cameras, camera phones, digital cameras, camcorders, etc.), Smartwatches, such as Apple Watches, Fit Bits, etc. that can send and/or receive electronic messages or notifications, or laser items.
Such items are inappropriate for school hours and distract from the educational process. Permission to use any equipment for classroom use only must be given by the administration.
During school hours, all electronic devices must be turned off and stored in students’ lockers or locked in vehicles
1st infraction – device will be taken away and given back to the student at the end of the day, and a detention will be assigned.
2nd infraction – device will be taken away and given back to the student’s parent/guardian at the end of the day, and a one one-hour detention will be assigned.
3rd infraction – device will be taken away and given back to the student’s parent/guardian at the end of the day, and for the next five school days the device/phone must be checked in at the office before school begins, and a Saturday morning detention will be assigned.
For each day a student refuses to leave his/her device/phone or claims that he/she does not have it with him/her, his/her parent will be contacted and further action may be taken.
Students who meet the necessary qualifications will be asked to join this organization.
Scholastic Bowl is an IHSA activity where Routt competes against other schools in the WIVC conference. The team answers questions in the academic areas of science, mathematics, social science, and language arts. The Routt Catholic High School Scholastic Bowl team has won the conference championship titles from 2007-2011. The team has a four-year record of 84-10 with Regional titles in 2008 and 2010.
The Routt Student Council is an elected body of students (four officers and two representatives from each class as well as an Executive Board) who work to promote harmonious relations throughout the entire school, to increase faculty-student/administrative rapport, to provide for the exercise of leadership and service, and to further the general welfare of Routt Catholic High School.
Routt students will organize an Art Club, Book Club, Chorus, Dance Team, and Recycling Club as interest warrants each year. Theatre and Yearbook are classes for credit.
The Marilyn Merris Chapter of NEHS was approved at Routt Catholic High School in 2016, with the first induction of members in the fall of 2017. Students who meet the necessary qualifications are invited to join this organization (in the fall of each academic year). Qualifications for membership are:
- attendance at Routt at least one semester
- completion of 2 years of high school English
- an overall grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale
- an English grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale in core English classes
- a demonstration of high character and behavior
You will be sent information on how to access TeacherEase soon after your student is fully enrolled. You may log in through the school website. You will find important information including a family directory and your child’s report cards in this portal.
Routt operates on a semester system, the first beginning in August, the second beginning in January. Reports are sent home four times a year – at the midpoint and at the end of each semester.
To view a full list of scholarships, click here.
Student and their families are responsible for completing a combined 30 hours of community service and/or service to the community each year. Each student must annually complete 15 hours of service, either to the school or community. Each family must annually complete 15 hours of service to the school. Students who fail to meet their 15-hour/year service requirement will not be eligible for certain activities and may have academic records withheld until the service hour requirement is met.
Routt student take the following exams:
Incoming Freshman: EXPLORE* (used for academic placement)
Sophomores: PLAN*
Juniors: PSAT, AP, ACT* and/or SAT
Seniors: ACT, SAT
*denotes a required exam
Information and/or registration materials for these exams are available from the guidance office and the following web sites:
To arrange for transcripts to be sent to colleges or for any other record request, call the guidance office at 217-243-8563, ext. 4, or email elink@routtcatholic.com. A fee may apply, depending on the request.
A deposit to secure enrollment for the next school year is due in February to the Office of Admission and Enrollment. Tuition payments thereafter are collected by the Business Office in July and December, or they can be made on a monthly basis through FACTS for an additional fee.
Click here to visit the FACTS website or call FACTS at (866) 441-4637.

Additional Helpful Links
Our Saviour School
Our Saviour Parish
Diocese of Springfield in Illinois
Lincoln Land Community College – Jacksonville