Students are expected to always present a neat, clean, and modest appearance, with clothing properly fitted. To maintain an atmosphere that promotes the education process, all students are expected to be in compliance with dress code as they enter their first class and at all times during the school day.

The dress code will be checked throughout the school day including lunch and exchange of classes. A warning may be given for the first dress code violation. If a student is seen later in the day in violation that could have been corrected (i.e. shirt-tail hanging out or pants worn too low), a level one consequence (as defined in the handbook) will be assessed. A warning may be given for facial hair, inappropriate clothing, shoes or jewelry.
Shirts are to be tucked in at the waist, so the belt or waistband can be seen. Shirts are to be kept buttoned at all times – one (1) button only allowed unbuttoned with appropriate t-shirt underneath).

Jackets, coats, hats, or other such items are not to be taken or worn to class or the lunchroom.

  • Shirt: Oxford dress shirt, with buttoned-down collar, long or short sleeve, in light blue or white or the Routt purple or white polo shirt purchased through the supplier designated by Routt. A plain, solid, short-sleeve white t-shirt may be worn under the oxford shirt.
  • Pants: Dress pants in khaki or navy blue. No jeans or cargo-style pants.
  • Shorts: Walking-length shorts (just above the knee) in khaki or navy blue. No cargo-style shorts.
  • Pullovers: The designated Routt black quarter zip pullover (over a uniform shirt).
  • Sweaters: Solid, navy blue, crew neck sweater with length down to waist. Must wear a uniform shirt under sweater. No hoods on the sweater.
  • Sweatshirts: School-approved spirit-wear sweatshirts in one of three colors: gray, black or purple, bearing the Routt logo. Spirit-wear or other sweatshirts must be worn over a uniform shirt, not in place of a uniform shirt. Hooded sweatshirts are not allowed. Sweatshirts with pockets or pouches are not allowed.
  • Shoes: Solid black, brown, grey or tan (not two-tone) shoe – loafer or lace-up style. No clogs (shoes must have a back heel).
  • Socks: Solid black, gray, white, or navy blue socks (small emblems are allowed) that are visible over the shoes.
  • Belt: Solid black or brown leather belt; no decorative belt buckles.
  • Hair: Hairstyles are considered part of the RCHS dress code. No erratic hairstyle (punk, tailed, spiked, multi-colored, grooved, partially shaved, emblems, or stripes) will be allowed. The student’s natural hair color is preferred. If hair is dyed, the color must be selected from the spectrum of natural shades (blonde, brown, black, red/auburn). Hair is to be a conventional length, not to exceed the collar nor below the eyebrows, and to be clean and neatly trimmed, not over or tucked behind the ears. The sides of the hair should not fall forward covering the student’s cheeks, nor should eyes be covered. Kerchiefs, sweat bands, hats, etc., are not part of the RCHS dress code. In compliance with SB 0817, Routt Catholic High School will not prohibit hairstyles historically associated with race, ethnicity or hair texture.
  • Jewelry: Earrings are permitted. Straps, medallions, cultic, gang, and excessive jewelry are prohibited. No visible tattoo or body piercing will be permitted.
  • Facial Hair: Beards, mustaches, and long sideburns (beyond mid-ear) are not permitted. Students are to be clean-shaven daily.
  • Cosmetics: Makeup should be a clean, natural look.

The dress code will be in effect every day except on special dress code days. On special days, students will be permitted to come to school out of dress code. Jewelry and hair codes remain in effect. T-shirts/sweatshirts with writing or pictures/graphics referring to alcohol, drugs, music groups or things that are contrary to the philosophy of the school are not allowed. The special days will be announced as scheduled.

  • Routt Spirit Days: In connection with certain school activities, the dress code will be: khaki or blue uniform pants with belt, an approved Routt shirt (including a team jersey) or sweatshirt, or sweater and dress shoes.
  • Blue Jean Days: In connection with fundraising efforts, the dress code on Blue Jean Days will be: clean, nice blue jeans (with no tears, holes, fraying, writing, etc.), gym shoes, and sleeved shirts or sweatshirts with no writing or pictures or graphics referring to alcohol, drugs, music groups or things that are contrary to the philosophy of the school.
  • Homecoming Week: Homecoming Week may have Blue Jean Days. On Friday, the cheerleaders may wear their cheer uniforms with matching pants. See approved Student Council list of dress days.

Hooded sweatshirts may not be worn during school on any day without specific permission.