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   Routt Catholic High School is dedicated to serving the educational and spiritual needs of students who demonstrate a commitment to Routt’s mission.  Routt admits a broad cross-section of students and seeks a student body that will benefit from and contribute to academic excellence within a community of faith.


   RCHS strives to achieve academic excellence.  The staff is willing to help each student achieve success in her/his high school years.  Students are expected to work to the best of their ability and to help maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning.

   Our Guidance Counselor helps students plan their high school schedules, explore their college options and apply to their colleges of choice.

   The counselor is available to meet with students and parents to assist with college and career planning.  Several career tests are given to students to help them explore their interests.
   Junior and senior students are encouraged to meet with the twenty plus college recruiters that visit Routt in both the spring and the fall each year.  Juniors are encouraged to visit colleges the summer before senior year and to apply by November of their senior year.  Each senior is given a packet full of information on selecting the college or technical school of their choice.
   In addition, the guidance office has available information about financial aid for college. The guidance counselor maintains an extensive list of scholarships and financial aid information on the Routt web site under “Guidance.”  Scholarships are also posted on the guidance bulletin board and the daily announcements.  Students are advised to begin searching for sources of aid in the fall of their senior year.

© 2020 Routt Catholic High School

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